German consumer confidence declines
In March, the German consumer climate is expected to fall by 2.1 points to -24.7 points compared to the previous month, according to a preliminary estimate by the GfK Consumer Climate powered by NIM, which is published jointly by GfK and the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (NIM).
French footwear sales up by 0.6% in January
In January, French footwear retail sales rose by a seasonally and working-day adjusted 0.6 percent month-on-month, according to the Bank of France.
Global footwear market expected to grow 4.2% a year to 2029
The global footwear market is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 4.2 percent between 2025 and 2029, according to the research institute Technavio. Over the period, the size of the market is expected to increase by $103.6 billion, with the Asia-Pacific region contributing to 47 percent ...
German footwear retailers struggle as sales plummet
Separate surveys painted a mixed picture of the health of the footwear sector in Germany, as the industry faces global shifts amid continued economic and geopolitical uncertainty, bureaucratic and regulatory hurdles and the growing competition from Asian e-commerce platforms.
Italian footwear manufacturers’ revenues drop by 9.4% in 2024
In 2024, revenues of Italian manufacturers totaled €13.2 billion, down by 9.4 percent compared to the year earlier, according to a survey carried out in January by Confindustria Accessori Moda among members of the Italian footwear association Assocalzaturifici. The decline is in line with a previous estimate released in January.
Portuguese footwear exports rise in volume, fall in value
The Portuguese footwear industry exported 67 million pairs of shoes worldwide in 2024, up 3.3 percent from 2023. However, in value, exports fell by 6.5 perdent to €1.702 billion, according to the Portuguese footwear association Apiccaps citing preliminary data from the country’s statistics institute, INE.
Russia shoemakers cut production as the business environment worsens
Several shoe factories have stopped or curtailed operations in Russia over the past few months as the economic environment in the country grows more challenging.